Veteran helping Veteran


Veteran helping Veteran

The iconic red-coated pensioners from the Royal Hospital Chelsea are a familiar sight at memorial and ceremonial events. A little known fact is that they interact with equal enthusiasm at less public levels – with veterans living in far more modest surroundings.

A heart-warming relationship exists between those who live at the famous Wren building in Chelsea and the inhabitants of a  veterans hostel  in East  London.

New Belvedere House is home to around 60 former soldiers, sailor and airmen who were either homeless or facing the prospect of homelessness.

All sought help through the charity Veterans Aid an organisation that has been extending the hand of friendship to ex-servicemen and women in crisis since 1932.

In-pensioner Marjorie Cole visited to deliver Harvest Festival items donated by the congregation of the Royal Hospital Chapel and took time out to talk about the bond between veterans of all ages.